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About Sai Centres and the Sri Sathya Sai Organisation


The main goal of a Sathya Sai Centre is to provide an environment in which individuals may progress along their spiritual path towards Self-realisation. Accordingly, every Sathya Sai Centre has three major components: a Devotion Wing, a Service Wing, and an Education Wing, which correspond to the three major paths toward Self-realisation, which are action (karma), devotion (bhakti), and spiritual wisdom (jnana). Though administered separately, these three Wings work together under the guidance and direction of the Sathya Sai Centre President.

Feelings and activities move along three courses: The emotional, action, and rational, otherwise denoted as the devotion (bhakti), action (karma), and spiritual wisdom (jnana) paths. The first type does everything in a dedicatory spirit of worship ... The second type does actions that are service-oriented ... The third type is moved by the spirit of inquiry into the basic principles governing life and nature. ... These three types are actually three strands intertwined into one rope. They cannot be untwined. For the mansion called human life, devotion, selfless service, and spiritual wisdom are essential, just as heart, hand, and head.

– Sathya Sai Baba, 31 August 1981


The main goal of the Sathya Sai Organisation ... is to help humanity recognise its inherent divinity ... so, your duty is to emphasise the One, to experience the One in all you do and speak. Do not give any importance to differences of religion, sect, status, or colour. Have the feeling of Oneness permeate all your acts. Only those who do so have a place in this Organisation; the rest can withdraw.

– Sathya Sai Baba, 6 January 1975


The Organisations named after Me are not to be used for publicising My Name or creating a new cult around My worship. They must try to spread interest in reciting God's Name, meditation, and other spiritual exercises that lead man Godward. They must demonstrate the joy derivable from devotional singing and remembering the Lord’s Name, and the peace that one can draw from good company. They must render selfless service to the helpless, the sick, the distressed, the illiterate and the needy. Their service should not be exhibitionistic; it must seek no reward, not even gratitude or thanks from the recipients.

– Sathya Sai Baba, 23 February 1968

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